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Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 10 months ago

Philippine Revolution, Part II


Full text of the instructions of Aguinaldo to the insurgent leaders to prepare to resume hostilities, 29 April 1898, from Hong Kong. Translated from the original Tagalog document which is no longer extant. From Filipinia.net

The Battle of Manila Bay


This page contains links to documents related to the Battle of Manila Bay. You can find the pre-battle communications between then-Commodore George Dewey and U.S. Secretary of the Navy John D. Long, including the full text of the U.S. proclamation of war against Spain. There are also ship action reports, and the English translation of the official Spanish report.


The English text of the Spanish declaration of war against the U.S. From April 24, 1898 front page of The New York Times.


This excellent site which is now defunct contains the American and Spanish declarations of war, Admirals Dewey and Montojo's reports on the Battle of Manila Bay, plus 6 more eyewitnesses to the battle (including an unknown Spaniard civilian), the full text of Montojo's letter to Dewey and Dewey's response, McKinley's explanation of retaining the Philippines, memoirs of four rank-and-file American soldiers, Dewey's explanation on why the Germans were blockaded, eyetwitness accounts of the fall of Manila, terms of surrender of the Spaniards (both the negotiated and the final), and a description of the torture known as the "water cure". The site is still accessible via the Internet Archive (see How to Find Nonexistent Pages on the Web).


Admiral Dewey's description of the Battle of Manila Bay, from The War Times Journal.


Proclamation of Philippine Independence


Facsimile of the original Proclamation of Philippine Independence (in Spanish, handwritten), on 12 June 1898, Kawit, Cavite.

Two English translation of the proclamation (Sulpicio Guevarra and John Taylor).



The Tagalog and English full text of Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo's decree of 18 June 1898, establishing a Dictatorial Government. From UMDL.



Upon the advice of Apolinario Mabini, Gen. Aguinaldo decided to switch the government from dictatorial to revolutionary. This is the full text of his decree of 23 June 1898, which established the Revolutionary Government. From UMDL.


Full text of Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo's decree of 20 December 1898, declaring December 30 of every year as a day of national mourning. This is the first which instituted what was later on known as Rizal's Day. In Spanish, from UMDL.


First Philippine Republic (23 Jan 1899 - 23 March 1901)


Full text of Pres. Emilio Aguinaldo's message during the inauguration of the First Philippine Republic.


The complete official text of the Malolos Constitution in Spanish. From UMDL.


English translation of the full text of the Malolos Constitution. If the page doesn't load, try the UMDL site: http://tinyurl.com/273ad2


Pictures of Malolos, with American descriptions.


Apolinario Mabini


Full text of Apolinario Mabini's proposed constitution (in Tagalog).


Full text of Mabini's True Decalogue.


Contestaciones y Consideraciones Al Pueblo y Congreso Norte-Americanos by Apolinario Mabini.




Facsimile of paper money issued during the First Philippine Republic. From UMDL.


First page of the table of contents of The laws of the first Philippine Republic (the laws of Malolos) 1898-1899, compiled & edited by Sulpicio Guevara. Full text of laws on reorganizing the provincial and municipal governments, abolishing forced labor in the Philippines, etc. can be found on this volume.


Historical documents of the Philippine Independent Church, the most tangible product of the 1898 Revolution against Spain.


Accounts of the Revolution

Written by those Who Actually Participated

The full text of Emilio Aguinaldo's True Version of the Philippine Revolution (1899).


First page of the full text of Artemio Ricarte's Himagsikan ng mga Pilipino Laban sa Kastila (Revolution of the Filipinos Against Spain), published 1927 in Yokohama. In HTML, with some scanned pages shown.


Index to the pages of Mariano Ponce's Cartas Sobre La Revolucion, published in 1932. From UMDL.

English translation of Mabini's The Philippine Revolution.


Earliest Secondary Sources


Full text of Hermeginildo Cruz' Kartilyang Makabayan from Filipiana.net. The link above will take you to the executive summary. The links to each chapter are on the right. Alternatively, you can to the UMDL scans of the book at http://tinyurl.com/35hdvx


Si Apolinario Mabini Laban Kay Hen. Antonio Luna (Apolinario Mabini Versus Gen. Antonio Luna) by Jose P. Santos.

Scan of the last page of the Acta de capitulacion of Gen. Lacson, Gen. Araneta and other generals on Nov. 6, 1898 to Negros revolutionaries.


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